Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What to do with all this extra time...

The last two weeks have been dedicated to midterms, so I apologize for almost abandoning you all. I do have some good news, however. Thanks to my no facebook experiment, I have all this extra time in my hands to do things like, well...study.

As a journalism student, I live by deadlines. I'm good at multitasking and setting priorities, but only when I have to. This week, I definitely had to.

On Monday I had 2 papers and a midterm, Tuesday a research paper and about 200 pages of reading, Wednesday another paper and about 100 other pages and for tomorrow...ta da, my COM LAW exam. Between this week and last week from hell I should be celebrating. Combine it with the fact that it's Halloween, only my favorite holiday EVER and you have a recipe for disaster.

But before I get to rock my costume (it's a surprise!) , I need to finish work. Guess what? Having no facebook had left me stressed free.

That seven page paper that I handed in today? It would have taken me at least half a day to do--if I was lucky. It took me a total of three hours to get it done once I finished doing all the reading (which might have taken me half a day, but that's debatable).

And why I'm I not stressing out over my COM Law exam? probably because after I finished my six-page paper that's due tomorrow (which I did in about three hours also, normally, in which I skyped with my friends from home) I had some time to review my notes and get my questions straightened before I really start cramming tomorrow.

I still have to work on that whole getting started way in advance. Maybe I will once I actually miss a deadline, which has yet to happen. But if this keeps up, I might not get back on facebook until the semester ends.

How many margaritas do you think I can I get out of that bet?

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